System for assessing the quality and certification of infrastructure projects
IRIIS was developed by the VEB.RF State Development Corporation, ANO National PPP Center and Aikom LLC with the support of the Russian Ministry of Finance in 2020. Taking into account the international practice of green certification and national specifics, IRIIS conducts an independent examination of the object and assigns scores, on the basis of which the level of certification is determined and an appropriate conclusion is issued. The system has a clear structure of criteria, on the basis of which you can independently analyze your project or not miss important details during its implementation. The evaluation procedure can be carried out at all stages, from planning and design to construction and operation. Objects that successfully pass the evaluation receive a certificate that confirms the quality and can be used to promote and attract funding.
The IRIIS system is recognized by the G20 countries and complies with the best international practices. In 2021, IRIIS entered the register of advanced infrastructure project management solutions that comply with the principles of quality infrastructure investments. The registry, created at the initiative of the G20, is maintained by the GIH, the OECD and the World Bank.
The requirements of IRIIS are recognized as corresponding to the provisions of the social and environmental policies of international development banks.
Key features of the IRIIS system:
- exceeds the requirements of national legislation and stimulates the introduction of advanced standards and practices in the process of implementing infrastructure projects;
- developed in accordance with the provisions of foreign methodologies for assessing the quality of infrastructure оbjects. The evaluation results are recognized by international and foreign financial organizations and investors;
- IRIIS forms a new level of requirements for all participants in the infrastructure market and sets modern standards for the provision of construction, design, engineering, operator and other services;
- an institute of professional accredited appraisers and verifiers was organized, who are trained in specialized educational programs.
What areas and infrastructures are suitable for IRIIS certification?
- TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE – Automobile and railway bridges and roads, airports, railway stations and transport hubs, river and sea ports, urban transport infrastructure;
- ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE – housing and communal services facilities, waste disposal and treatment facilities, engineering protection of the territory;
- SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE – objects of culture and tourism, healthcare, education, sports and penitentiary;
- ENERGY FACILITIES – wind generation, hydro generation, solar and gas power plants, power transmission lines;
The IRIIS methodology contains 27 criteria grouped into three aspects: “Economics and Management”, “Quality of Life”, “Ecology and Climate”. For each of the three aspects, you can get up to 1000 points, based on which the overall assessment of the project is formed and the level of certification is determined.
Platform for working for certification of infrastructure projects IRIIS
Who is IRIIS for?
All participants in the infrastructure market can use IRIIS to achieve maximum quality and minimize costs:
- Project owners and investors – to obtain an independent assessment and оbject quality certificate, including to attract additional funding;
- Authorities – to increase efficiency and optimize public spending on the creation and reconstruction of regional and federal infrastructure facilities;
- Funding organizations and investors – to obtain objective information about the quality and sustainability of the оbject to all types of risks, the feasibility of investments, as well as the environmental and economic benefits;
- Qualified experts – to participate in the assessment and verification of projects, develop their own skills and improve the system.
What gives the use of IRIIS?
Using IRIIS, project teams minimize risks and maximize the positive effects at all stages of the life cycle, increase the efficiency and safety of projects, and their financial attractiveness.
Using IRIIS allows you to:
- get an independent assessment of the quality;
- identify the weaknesses and possible risks of its implementation;
- attract financing on preferential terms;
- increase the competence of the team;
- carry out diagnostics of using an online calculator;
- get the status of a reference project and enter the list of best practices on the information resource of the Certifier.
Certification levels
HPBS has experience in certification under the IRIIS system under the “Conservation of Biological Diversity” criterion on the example of the “Eastern Exit” project – a new exit from the city of Ufa to the M-5 “Ural” highway. In this case, we acted as a verifier, checking the quality of the work performed and providing a conclusion on the compliance of the road with the requirements of the IRIIS certification system.
Biodiversity – the variability of living organisms from all sources, including, but not limited to, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this concept includes diversity within species, between species, and ecosystem diversity. (Convention on Biological Diversity, 1995, Art. 2)
Description of the work carried out on the project in terms of biodiversity conservation:
- Analysis of the state of the flora;
- Analysis of threats to biological diversity;
- Analysis of the state of the animal world;
- Analysis of specially protected natural and ecologically vulnerable territories;
- Preservation of rare and endangered objects of flora and fauna;
- Analysis of the presence and condition of places of traditional residence and economic activity of indigenous peoples;
- Analysis of the state of other components of the natural environment.
In addition, a plan for the conservation of biological diversity was developed, consisting of two sections:
- List of measures for the conservation of biological diversity, indicating the persons responsible for their implementation, as well as an assessment of the environmental effect of the implementation of the envisaged measures;
- A list of key indicators of the effectiveness of the measures being implemented, indicating data sources containing quantitative characteristics of the established indicators.
A biodiversity conservation plan has been developed throughout the construction period. When performing work, the contractor carried out his activities in accordance with the requirements indicated in the plan.
The main activities for the conservation of biological resources are:
- implementation of organizational measures to reduce the negative impact on the habitat of all types of biological resources (for example: prohibition of work within water bodies during the spawning period or prevention of cutting trees outside the right of way);
- compliance with additional restrictions in areas with special conditions for the use of territories (fish protection zones);
- carrying out monitoring of the state of aquatic biological resources in the zone of influence of the construction object;
- installation of mesh fencing at the road sections to prevent wild animals from entering the roadway;
- artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources in the Azov-Black Sea basin;
- Improvement of the territory upon completion of construction by restoring lawns with vegetable soil;
- the need to pay compensation funds for lost green spaces.
IRIIS Certification
Development of the IRIIS certification system of VEB.RF
The project on the IRIIS system, the M-5 Eastern Exit highway, Ufa.
Russian Building Certification System