The concept of sustainable development appeared in the process of combining three main points of view: economic, social and environmental. Sustainable development is the development of society and organizations that takes into account the interests of society, the optimal use of limited resources and the use of environmentally friendly – natural, energy, and material-saving technologies.
On September 25, 2015, the post-2015 development agenda was approved at the UN headquarters in New York. 193 countries have adopted 17 global Sustainable Development Goals and formulated 169 targets. The completion of work on the announced tasks is planned by December 31, 2030, for this, countries must independently develop their own strategies, plans and programs for sustainable development.
1. Universal eradication of poverty in all its forms.
2. Eliminating hunger, ensuring food security and improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agricultural development.
3. Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting well-being for everyone at any age.
4. Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.
5. Ensuring gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
6. Ensuring the availability and rational use of water resources and sanitation for all.
7. Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy sources for all.
8. Promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
9. Building strong infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation.
10. Reducing inequality within and between countries.
11. Ensuring the openness, security, resilience and sustainability of cities and settlements.
12. Ensuring rational consumption and production models.
13. Taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its consequences.
14. Conservation and rational use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
15. Protection, restoration of terrestrial ecosystems and promotion of their rational use, rational forest management, combating desertification, stopping and reversing the process of land degradation and stopping the process of loss of biological diversity.
16. Promoting peaceful and open societies for sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for all and creating effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels.
17. Strengthening the means to achieve sustainable development and activating the mechanisms of the global partnership for sustainable development.
Promoting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals at the State level
The question remains about the role of independent intermediaries, such as the Government, in ensuring the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and preventing corporations from harming the universal social good, including people and the environment. There are mandatory taxes transferred to the state for excess emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into wastewater, waste disposal. These taxes are used to eliminate the negative impact of the organization’s activities on society and the environment. The introduction of the principles of sustainable development in the field of urban planning and territorial planning is described as “sustainable development of territories”. In this form, the term got into the Urban Planning Code of Russia. This concept implies ensuring the safety and favorable living conditions of a person during the implementation of urban planning activities, limiting the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and ensuring the protection and rational use of natural resources in the interests of present and future generations.
This is only part of the measures that can be measured and monitored, while most of the rules governing the social component cannot be expressed unambiguously.
CSR of a company is a special case of the implementation of sustainable development objectives within the company. When adopting corporate social responsibility, organizations take into account the interests of society, assuming responsibility for the impact of the organization’s activities on various aspects of the public sphere. This obligation goes beyond the statutory obligation and assumes that additional measures taken to improve the quality of life of employees and their families, the local community, society as a whole, as well as the preservation of the environment, are voluntary.
When developing a program of activities within the company’s CSR, an integrated approach is used and the main sustainable development goals are taken into account, including the following areas:
The spread of the concept of sustainable development has led to the standardization of these processes at the global and national levels. The main recognized standards and guidelines for CSR of the company:
Companies are implementing social programs and sustainable development practices that work for a broader and longer-term perspective than making a profit from their core activities. Such events translate into commercial advantages obtained by increasing their reputation in the eyes of the public or the government.
Sustainable development of organizations:
Environmental friendliness of projects and green financing:
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