WELL Certification

Certification of buildings according to the WELL construction standard

WELL Building Standard is a building certification system focused exclusively on the health and well-being of people in buildings. It is based on measurable evidence that the building has a positive effect on the health and well-being of people and the quality of life of people in the building. WELL-certified buildings are highly valued, have low energy consumption costs and have unsurpassed environmental quality. The mission of the WELL standard is to make buildings in the process of construction and operation more favorable not only for the environment, but also for human health.


Points for certification:

Bronze – 40 points

Silver -50 points

Gold – 60 points

Platinum – 80 points


The WELL standard offers ten principles that should be taken into account when implementing a project:

HPBS Services

  • Certification

Our experts are WELL AP accredited and experienced in supporting complex development projects.  We will help you choose the best real estate certification scheme according to the WELL standard and provide certification in the international GBCI body with a high-level certificate.


  • Concept Development

We will help the customer and the project architect to develop the building concept in accordance with the WELL Building Standard to the required level, taking into account the wishes and priorities of the customer.  The result of the services is special technical conditions – a single guide with the requirements for the design, construction and operation of the building.


  • Project support

HPBS has all the necessary experts to ensure that a building is WELL certified.  We accompany all project participants, issue clear design and construction instructions.  Issues that arise during the design and construction process are resolved promptly and at a high, professional level.  Constant monitoring of project implementation ensures a high level of certification at minimal cost.


The value of WELL in real estate

The high demand for wellness in real estate is confirmed by the exponential growth of new projects being implemented according to the WELL standard, the number of which will grow several times every year.


At a time when there is a high demand for wellness in real estate on the market, and there is practically no supply, WELL-certified real estate has an additional revenue of up to 20% – according to Urban Land Institute research.


According to ULI research, certification according to the WELL standard allowed developers:

  • Implement an effective marketing program
  • Sell and rent faster
  • Increase the cost of selling and renting compared to the original forecast


According to the research “Financial Support for Sustainability and WELL Building Decisions, The Muldavin Company”, additional revenue when selling for real estate according to the WELL standard is 10-13%, and when renting 3-6%. At the same time, the occupancy rate of real estate increases by about 4-15%.


Residential real estate developers strive to obtain a WELL certificate to attract and retain residents, maximize rental potential and increase resale value, differentiate their property and ensure optimal health and well-being of residents.


Benefits of international certification of buildings LEED, BREEAM and WELL

Costs of implementing WELL principles

Unlike other standards and certification systems, WELL buildings undergo an actual on-site inspection by an independent laboratory from GBCI, which will examine the quality of air, water, comfort, acoustics and the fulfillment of a number of other requirements of the standard.


The certification procedure and increased requirements for the quality of construction increase the cost of building buildings in Moscow according to the WELL standard by about 2-3%, according to HPBS. For example, additional construction costs for WELL amounted to:


Marina Kouprianova

WELL specialist

E-mail: kouprianova@hpb-s.com