Department of Environmental Management of Moscow

Conducting a comparative analysis of international rating systems for certification of environmental performance of real estate objects in order to improve the national system of environmental certification of buildings and structures, monitoring energy and environmental efficiency at selected priority facilities using unconventional and renewable energy sources.


Our role:

  • Research of buildings and structures using unconventional and renewable energy sources (NVE) in the Moscow region.
  • Development of a system for monitoring the energy efficiency of “green construction” facilities using NVE.
  • Identification of approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of energy-saving technologies.
  • Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow in the framework of research work on the study of green buildings in Moscow.
  • Analysis of environmental impact reduction, the most appropriate technologies for use in the Moscow region, taking into account regional, social and economic characteristics.
  • Identification of the effects and benefits of the construction of green buildings and the use of renewable energy.


During the work , the following main results were obtained:

  1. The selection of priority objects of various functional purposes, using non-renewable energy sources, for monitoring their energy and environmental efficiency was made.
  2. A monitoring system and an algorithm for collecting information on the state of energy and environmental efficiency of such facilities have been developed.
  3. The monitoring of the energy and environmental efficiency of various energy-saving measures and technologies for the use of NVE at selected priority facilities was carried out.
  4. Based on the monitoring results, an analysis of the actual energy and environmental efficiency of energy-saving measures and technologies for the use of unconventional and renewable energy sources was carried out.
  5. A set of measures and recommendations has been developed to replicate the proposed measures and technologies for the use of non-renewable energy sources; mechanisms and measures to stimulate their development and implementation.


Implementation period: 2021



Certification of real estate objects according to LEED standards

Certification of real estate objects according to BREEAM standards

Certification of real estate objects according to WELL standards

Verification of greenhouse gas calculations and carbon footprint conclusions